Checking on Hives at Tom's
Thursday we went over to visit the hives at Tom's place after work and see how they were doing.
One of the hives overwintered with a super in place. This can be a really handy way to ensure leaving enough stores on the hive for the bees. Sometimes the queen moves up into it at the end of winter and begins raising brood though.
Below is a picture of the super frames. The queen was present, and laying a great pattern. Right in the super frames.
Not a big deal actually, as the nectar flow gets going the bees will be storing honey into the super which should encourage the queen to move back down into the lower deep boxes.
So far we've not used any queen excluders (I don't think we own any) and have had good luck with a consistent supply of nectar flow helping to keep the queen out of the supers, so we're expecting the same this year.
Switching to the other remaining hives, we were happy to see they had very healthy and strong colonies.
We gave the middle hive a super since we're seeing some trees starting to bloom and a bit of fresh nectar being brought into the hives.
The other hive wasn't quite ready for a super yet, but I have a feeling it will be soon.
One of the hives overwintered with a super in place. This can be a really handy way to ensure leaving enough stores on the hive for the bees. Sometimes the queen moves up into it at the end of winter and begins raising brood though.
Below is a picture of the super frames. The queen was present, and laying a great pattern. Right in the super frames.
Not a big deal actually, as the nectar flow gets going the bees will be storing honey into the super which should encourage the queen to move back down into the lower deep boxes.
So far we've not used any queen excluders (I don't think we own any) and have had good luck with a consistent supply of nectar flow helping to keep the queen out of the supers, so we're expecting the same this year.
Switching to the other remaining hives, we were happy to see they had very healthy and strong colonies.
We gave the middle hive a super since we're seeing some trees starting to bloom and a bit of fresh nectar being brought into the hives.
The other hive wasn't quite ready for a super yet, but I have a feeling it will be soon.
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