Want To Trade A Jar Of Honey?
How would you like an opportunity to try a jar of my honey straight from the bee hives featured on this blog?
I have a few 8oz and 4oz jars set aside to trade with anyone who would be interested in sending a jar of your own honey to me.
These jars are from my Summer Honey Harvest and contain no chemicals, additives or extreme filtering techniques. How the bees made it is how it's bottled.
Here are the guidelines if you're interested:
- To receive a jar, you must send a jar of honey back to me.
- The honey must be directly from a local beekeeper (preferably yourself) and not bought off the shelf of a store.
- Because shipping is expensive now days, if you live outside the United States, please email me first.
- Your honey can be in any container you like as long as it doesn't leak in the mail, because the post office frowns on leaking packages.
- Limit one jar per person
If you would like to trade a jar of honey, drop a note into the comment section below, and then use the Contact Me form and we can trade shipping addresses off-line.
[Update: 9/24/2013]: This was a really neat experiment! Special Thank You to the handful of people who contacted me and traded jars of honey! As the season is now over, my quantities of honey are low so I'll close the comment form and offer up another honey swap opportunity (honey from bees, not yer spouse) next season.