My Goal: 5 Supers on a Hive

My personal goal for beekeeping isn't to escape to a quite place. It's not to jump into a bee suit and hide by the bee hives where my kids won't find me (because they walk right on over with me anyways). Pas Cher Nike chaussures.

My goal is a little should I put it...greedy! I'm keeping bees for H-O-N-E-Y. It's the title of my blog, it's the plates on my jeep, it's can sometimes be all consuming in the spring time when the bees are bringing in nectar faster than the hive can handle it.

Last week when I checked on my hives, I was getting excited because one of the hives at my house had 3 supers and they were about 60% full. So I gave that hive a 4th super. I thought to myself, wow, I'm really close to my personal goal of having 5 supers on a hie this year.

I checked the hive again this weekend and all the supers were nearing 100% full. I was out of supers (having deployed 7 total at my house already) so I called my dad. He had a few extra boxes, frames and foundation. All I had to do was assemble it.

He brought them over that evening and I assembled them and let the glue dry over night. The next day I snuck out to the hives after breakfast and gave two hive another super each.

This meant my strongest hive (on the right below) is now up to 5 supers! They are in the mood to draw wax right now (there is fresh wax all over everything!) so I'm hoping they'll draw this super out and fill it up with the rest.

I'm counting it as meeting my goal since they are definitely in need of the 5th super, and they have it on and are ready to use it. :)

Update 5/14/2015: I checked this new 5th super and they are starting to draw out the frames.

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Vince says...
Date:   May 15, 2015, 1:44 pm

I'm jealous.  I put two supers on my hives back in early March and they haven't filled them yet.  Where I live we don't have a nectar flow per say, but we do get honey 12 months a year.  Typical yield is 2 to 4 supers per hive.  

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